Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday by far. I love spending time with friends and family. Visiting. Catching up on life. Eating lovingly prepared foods. It all makes for a wonderful celebration.
My hope is that each and every one of you has a blessed Thanksgiving spent just as you want.
This pumpkin pie recipe was submitted by Virginia Cooper of New Orleans, LA and appeared in the 1942 Searchlight Recipe Book. Since the recipe was published 80 years ago, I thought it would be fun to take a look at the Cost of Living in 1942--how things have changed!
Average Cost of new house $3,770.00
Average wages per year $1,880.00
Average Monthly Rent $35.00 per month
Cost of a gallon of Gas 15 cents
Average Price for a new car $920.00
Bottle Coca Cola 5 cents
Happy Thanksgiving All!